We work on a range of contemporary issues facing government and community - Indigenous and non-Indigenous.

We apply leading practices, theories, models and frameworks, and draw extensively on data and evidence in everything we do to gain actionable insights.

How we work with Government

Our experienced practitioners assist government to work with community in place to design and implement effective programs that deliver on policy objectives and reflect community priorities.

Our co-design enabling framework

Understanding the factors that enable or hinder co-design success is essential for achieving positive outcomes. Underpinned by research, published project evaluations, and GMC’s own experience in co-design, we have identified several key factors that can influence success. These factors can be categorised into four main areas:

  • This involves building trust and sensitising participants to the co-design process. Effective facilitation helps to guide the co-design process and ensures all participants have a voice and feel safe in sharing their ideas.

  • Fostering an environment that encourages learning and collaboration is key to successful co-design. By building knowledge and capability, participants can better understand the design process and contribute their ideas. Creativity and innovation are also important, as they allow for the development of new and unique solutions.

  • This involves empowering participants and giving them a sense of control over the design process. Participants are more likely to feel invested in the outcome and contribute their ideas and expertise if they feel empowered. The co-design process must also be adaptable and flexible, enabling changes to be made based on the needs and feedback of participants.

  • Effective governance structures and processes are necessary to provide strategic direction and oversight, and enhance accountability of the co-design process. This includes establishing clear roles and responsibilities, setting expectations, and monitoring progress. Proper planning and adequate resourcing are also essential for ensuring that the co-design process is successful.

See our latest insights on co-design

  • Program design and implementation

    Our program specialists design programs with implementation in mind, to ensure outcomes and benefits are achievable and measurable. We design programs that reflect a deep understanding of place, using a variety of approaches that combine data, theories, models and frameworks, overlayed with qualitative evidence and experience of what works.

  • Performance monitoring and evaluation

    We work with organisations to develop performance monitoring and evaluation frameworks, linked to policy objectives, and enhance transparency and accountability for program performance. We provide specialist coaching and tools to support ongoing monitoring and evaluation throughout the project life cycle.

  • Place-based practice & co-design

    Our experienced practitioners apply place-based approaches to strategy, and program design and implementation. We help clients understand the local context, place-specific priorities, community dynamics, and opportunities, gaps and challenges. We facilitate community engagement in shared decision-making and co-designing local solutions.

  • Regional economic development

    We have expertise in government and the private sector and have worked across urban, regional and remote settings. We work with businesses and community to help to build the local workforce and business base, and position communities to grow and attract investment into the region.

  • Project management

    We guide and advise clients on projects from conception, design, planning, and implementation, through to monitoring, evaluation and close. We provide specialised tools and supports, and work with clients to develop actionable plans that are set up to deliver measurable outcomes and benefits.

The Australian Government’s transformational Indigenous affairs agenda will deliver future policies and programs that are co-designed and delivered in partnership with community.

We work respectfully with communities in place and approach our engagement in a culturally safe way.

See how we can assist - view our Capability Statement.