We help our clients to achieve their business, and corporate social objectives.

How we work with industry

Our team have extensive experience working across a range of industries. We develop systems-based solutions for complex projects and value chain participation. We focus specifically on Indigenous SMEs and micro-businesses to increase their participation in the local economy.

  • Local content strategies

    We deliver systems-based analyses of the political, economic, social, and environmental landscape in a region. We help clients understand the complexity of their operating environment, community priorities and social dynamics in place. Our strategies are designed to assist clients achieve their project objectives, and deliver sustainable outcomes for community beyond the life of the project.

  • Community engagement

    Working on country is highly complex and requires thoughtful and culturally safe engagement. Complexities arise from difficulty in identifying the leaders and their relationship to community, and the presence of multiple Traditional Owners (TO) groups in a region and the complex dynamics within and between them. We work with our clients to broker relationships with the TOs, and facilitate engagement with Indigenous elders and community.

  • Project supply chains

    We assist project developers to meet their supply chain requirements by identifying key Indigenous stakeholders, developing tailored engagement strategies, and facilitating connections to local Indigenous businesses. We assess and prepare businesses for engagement, and deliver targeted training and capability building - drawing on the ecosystem of business supports across government, industry and the not-for-profit sectors.

See how we can assist - view our Capability Statement.